Add a new output graph “Contour Plot Panel”. It shows up to six fractures at the same time.
Add “Contour Plot Lite” and “Contour Plot Panel Lite”. They are the lite versions of “Contour Plot” and “Contour Plot Panel”. They include the four most frequently used parameters: Total Width, Conductivity, Proppant Coverage, and Proppant Volume Fraction. They will load the data from the server much faster than the full version.
Rearrange the “Outputs” page for both Frac Geometry Models and Numerical Reservoir Models.
Rename “Geologic Model” to “Geo-Perf Model”.
List both Correlation Solution and FEM Solution for stress shadowing in “Run Simulation”.
Improve the stability of the FEM stress shadowing solution.
Allow multiple stages for longitudinal fractures in horizontal wells without considering stage-to-stage interference.
Add the new “Optimum Well Spacing” option in Reservoir Models. This is to determine the “optimum” well spacing for a multi-frac horizontal well from multiple numerical reservoir simulations.
Add the log curve thickness options.
Improve the log export function.
Accept more time formats imported into Pressure/Rate Analysis.
Improve the transfer functions that transfer history data from Pressure/Rate Analysis to Frac Geometry Models and Reservoir Models.