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Hydraulic Fracturing Engineering and Software Solution, for Your Most Challenging Reservoirs.

StimPlan 2.61/3.01 (Release 2)

  • Fix minor bug which sometimes caused incorrect printout of “Time-To-Close” in Summary Results
  • Fix problem where input of a fracture initiation interval covering several thin, higher stress, zones could cause artificially high Pnet to be calculated, & thus cause excessive height growth predictions. This bug originated with Version 2.61, and can only occur for complex input geology such as seen in the figure at right
  • Minor improvements to “auto-“ convergence control (improvements are based on cases sent to us where several manual inputs were required to find a set of simulator control inputs allo wing the simulator to converge, we encourage everyone to send us such cases so we can continue to improve the automatic convergence algorithms)
  • Added Output Control for all plots (fonts, line size, symbol type, colors, etc.) -Simply “right click” anywhe re on plot to open tabbed dialog allowing this control
  • Added extensive hypertext help system (Netscape Navigator MUST be available on computer to access this)
  • Added ability to directly transfer results from StimPlan to our spreadsheet or word processor (Netscape Navigator MUST be available on computer to use this feature)
Fracture Initiation Interval

Analysis Module (Version 3.01 only)

  • Added Log-Δt / log-Δp plot for decline analysis
  • Added derivative to most analysis plots
  • Added ability to treat Propped Fracture Treatment as a “test type” and transfer actual propped fracture treatment data (volumes, rates, proppant concentration, etc.) directly to StimPlan Simulator
  • Added ability to “Carry Over” Extension Pressure from Step-Rate Test Plot to other analysis plots
  • Added Output Control for all plots (fonts, line size, symbol type, colors, etc.) -Simply “right click” anywhere on graph screen to open tabbed dialog giving allow this control
  • Added ability to place a “Marker Line” on Data Plot to assist in aligning various Time Series in time
  • Increased allowable name lengths of “Time Series” and “Variables”
  • Added a “Quick Delete” Mode to the Data Plot to making deleting individual, “bad”, data points quick & easy

Changes - StimPlan 2.61/3.01 - August, 1996

  • fix major bug which, for some cases, caused problems if fracture initiation interval was specified as different from perforated interval
  • improved numerical convergence for high fluid loss cases, or for cases where rate is reduced late during a simulation (changes allow simulation to take time step with "0" length and/or height growth)
  • added cut/paste for all plots (WINDOWS 95/NT/Macintosh only)
  • E-StimPlan Released - Version 2.61
Analysis Module (Version 3.01 Only)
  • added linear "ISIP" Plot to Decline Analysis
  • added ability to "Append" data files one to another while importing raw data
  • added cut/paste for all plots
  • improved capabilities for selecting rate/pressure data points for Step-Rate Analysis, rate/pressure data pair selection now allows for an "ISIP" at the end of a rate step
  • added capability for importing existing FracTest data files
  • fixed bug which sometimes caused scaling problems with pressure decline, "Type Curve", analysis